Reading comprehension / Comprensión lectora

ENG. On Dec, 6th, Spain celebrates the approval of the Constitution. This is a reading comprehension activity for a high Spanish level students. Download below the PDF, plus the comprehension exercises. ES. Texto de comprensión lectora para celebrar el Día de la Constitución española, el 6 de diciembre, con alumnado de 3º / 4º de Leer másReading comprehension / Comprensión lectora[…]

Oral expression / Expresión oral

WHOOO I AM? / ¿QUIÉN SOY? EN. This is a back-to-school activity which objective is each kid to introduce themselves by showing objects or picture that represents them and that are kept inside a bag made out of cardboard. Moreover, it is a multi-subject activity, which combines knowledge and procedures from Maths, Arts, Foreign Language Leer másOral expression / Expresión oral[…]