Oral expression / Expresión oral


EN. This is a back-to-school activity which objective is each kid to introduce themselves by showing objects or picture that represents them and that are kept inside a bag made out of cardboard.

Moreover, it is a multi-subject activity, which combines knowledge and procedures from Maths, Arts, Foreign Language and Native Language.

How to carry it out?

  1. We start drawing the lines of the cardboard box which will be our owl’s body (MATHS TIME).
  2. Then, we cut, fold and paste the box (ARTS TIME). Once the box is ready, it’s time to colour, cut and paste the elements that form the owl (visit Shelly Rees’ Teachers Pay Teachers account to get this template. It is free).
  3. Afterwards, we bring from home pictures or objects that are important for us, things that represent us (adjustment for Covid times: leave the objects brought in quarantine for 3 days -in a plastic bag- before to use them).
  4. Then, we speak to our classmates, telling them “Whooooo we are?”, while they take notes of our words (NATIVE LANGUAGE TIME).
  5. The last step is to answer questions posed by the teacher about our classmates’ likes (FOREIGN LANGUAGE TIME).

This activity allows me, as an EFL teacher to introduce the verb “To like”, to be worked lately more deeply: «Woooo likes colour blue?», «Whooo likes cycling?» (this activity is only the first contact with the structure).