EN. Colours, numbers and shapes are the basic and easiest learning in a language. We take awareness of how a language is written, how it sounds, … That’s the reason why, in early ages, a great amount of time is spent in the learning of this vocabulary. Taking colours and numbers as a base, we can start building sentences and to communicate.
الألوان والأرقام والأشكال هي أساسيات وأسهل تعلم للغة. نحن ندرك كيفية كتابة اللغة ، وكيف تبدو ، … هذا هو السبب في قضاء وقت كبير في تعلم هذه المفردات في العصور المبكرة. بأخذ الألوان والأرقام كأساس ، يمكننا البدء في بناء الجمل والتواصل.
- Trace the name of the numbers.
- Copy the names.
- Then, you can watch the video on the right to listen to the numbers pronunciation.
- تتبع اسم الأرقام.
- انسخ الأسماء.
- بعد ذلك ، يمكنك مشاهدة الفيديو على اليمين للاستماع إلى نطق الأرقام.
- Watch the video
- Write the numbers using the same colour as in the video.
- Write the name of the number (use pencil).
- Finally, write the sentence of the image on the right.
- شاهد الفيديو
- اكتب الأرقام بنفس اللون الموجود في الفيديو.
- اكتب اسم الرقم (استخدم قلم رصاص).
- أخيرًا ، اكتب جملة الصورة على اليمين.
Click on «SIGUIENTE PREGUNTA» to continue playing.
Click on «SIGUIENTE PREGUNTA» to continue playing.
From 1 to 10: the students connect the numbers to create a picture. When they press on a number, it is listened (what is the interesting thing in this exercise)
From 10 to 20: the students put the numbers in order while listening their pronunciation.
From 0 to 20 / 50: here, they can choose from playing up to 20 or up to 50 in a Bingo!
From 60 to 80
Ps: the Spanish accent you’re hearing in this website (www.arbolabc.com) is Colombian.
- Exercises for advanced learners.
-Here you can find, at the top of the website, an exercise in which you’re asked to write the number (up to 100 and even more). Afterwards, you can write the name of the number (Warning! This is a difficult exercise: do not get sad if you don’t achieve it at the first attempt).
If you continue going down the page, you can find an exercise in which your listening ability is tested: you will listen to different Spanish accents talking about telephone numbers. Are you able to write down all the numbers?
-In this other website, there’s an exercise to write the names of the numbers. It is automatically corrected, so that you can know if you have written them correctly. By clicking upon the word badly written, it is shown the correct spelling.
Moreover, at the left side of the page, you can choose the level of difficulty and the type of exercise: to read the name of the number and to write the number afterwards («Pasar a números») , or to see the number and to write its name («Pasar a letras»).